Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Wonderments of a Fishercat...

  So many adventures can be had!

  Haha! This one has to laugh at the recruitment poster for silly, snobby elfie peoples.  If they would have just gone fishing, they would have found PLENTY of adventure...

  This one dusted off her fishing guide, and repeated the litany of us fisherfolk..worms to the ocean, guts to the lake, butterflies feed the river, and crawlers for those foul waters. This one does forget with all the derring do hippy skitch stuff she has to accomplished for all the crippled, scaredy cat, wimpy, bossy, snooty errand givers in Auridon. This poor Khajiit makes such poor progress on her fishing with all these silly distractions...

This one wonders if I gave an order, would these skinny, hairless ones be able to keep up?

The start of the day, early morning, this cat took to the beach for some early morning fishing yoga (downward whale, anyone?) and instead found some ruffians doing what they do best, ruffing up some travelers. Well, they were roughing up the elf, the Khajiit was smart and his behind the horse. This one helped them out and killed the ruffians, only to be rewarded by the high-nose elf attitude..they just walked away. Rawr. 
Poo on you, too.

So, This one went to look for fish. But she found a lovely chest instead. Sharpened up the claws, this kitty nightblade popped open this easy box. 
so "cough" pretty
New helm is soooo uglee and hurts this poor, humble Khajiit's ears. Hisss. The gown is too klunky for fishing..not enough pockets, too many buckles...

Time for some fishing. Headed up the coast looking for some spots of fish activity. This cat does not have any worms, but this cat does not care...Just when this one sees a spot...

UH OH.....

No no no! *sigh* what now...? A ghostie....and he's got that magical thingy over his head...(means it is important) 

So this one talks to the important poltergiestie......
The way of ghosties, they come n go..

.and then this cat went fishing....
because she was thinking it could be her last cast...

Wouldn't you stay hidden too?
The view would be nice if it wasn't for that baddie in the middle...

Ok so this one found out she had pulled out her dagger instead of her trusty bow. Oopsie.
This wizardy baddie turned into a Molag Bally snakey thing and bam! this poor cat was reviving via soul gem. Calmed the nerves and got the weapons sorted out... that soul sucker died and Merric saved.  Would have stayed to fish in the cave, but those scampy things regenerate out this cat went..
Now, this one does wonder about the Fighter's Guild. Their leader is an awesome lizard with a wonderful poise and fashion sense, but those followers...?
You go, Girlfriend!
are they blind to those flappy laser bats? Sheesh
 Well this one is a hero, but those high altitude elfies don't think so...

This one checked out another house for sale, but it is too ritzy for this humble it is too near to these elf snoots...
a bit drafty...and chilly inside n out..
This one had some fun, too. hehehe..
Heroic, no?
Saddle up and headed to Dawnwatch, to help out with some Daedra. Dead bodies everywhere.
Rescued some marines..lots of fire and singed whiskers.
Ouch ouch

They need to learn better camping skills...


and deader..

Well, this one finished the day at a place called Smuggler's Cove. Didn't look too prosperous, but the fish were jumping. This one wonders if the smugglers smuggled the wrong goods. Or if maybe they had fixed the leak in their boat, they might have had better luck. 

Just needs a little TLC...

Or maybe it was this dude who did in the smugglers...and the fish...?
NOPE NOPE nope nope nope

Keep your poles handy, and always wonder...

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