Thursday, May 25, 2017

Wandering Among the Elves

Hello, my Friends!

This humble Khajiit must apologize for not writing sooner, but she was awaiting letters from a cousin who was skipping about fishing in Vvardenfall, of all places..this one shall discuss that place at some other time.

Oh, these High Elves! So snippy, like their whiskers are shinier than all others. They have so many troubles, including an anchor from Mister Molag right outside their little city of Vulkhel Guard. Plus a Thieves Den. That and a whole kettle of bad called the "Veiled Heritance" or some such.  And then there's the Prophet, who turns out to be the Emperor, but not really as he has no dragon blood..Oh my paws, so much running about, to and fro, do this, do that..

And did this poor humble cat get to fish? Well Coldharbour offered up no fish, but this one snuck off and fished a pond near Monkey's Rest, which is where monkeys rest and nest..(and bananas can be had) in Auridon, outside of Vulkhel Guard. And oh so many pretty fish! Shad, and betty, and salmon..This noble cat did run over to help break an anchor, but after that, she left the work to others.

Anchor, schmancor, we must fish!

And the rivers! They are full of wonderful fish! These High Elves have so many problems, and no one bothers to fish. And the reward for fishing in the midst of all this elvish turmoil? This one reeled in a Blackspotted Pike, and a this one was for the record books! (This ones' record book, at least)
This one can only hope for better fishing gear, this heavy metal makes this cat sound like a trash pack full of empties..Maybe Men'do can help, this one wishes, (rrawrr..)

Til next time, keep you claws sharp.

This one looks dorky, no?

Two Moons, and a much better hat. Cooler, yes?