Thursday, June 29, 2017


Hello, my friends.

This one apologizes profusely for a lack of content. If this poor Khajiit was a Developer Lord, she would be thrown to the dungeons of Cyrodil and chewed to the bones by the rabid Gamefan rats...
So sorry.

Wizards ruin fishing..
This adventurous fisher cat started out looking to do some simple ocean fishing off the coast of here the first thing her kitty eyes see is this fellow, and his fancy not today, this one is looking for a good fishing spot and she wishes not to catch sharks with her blood running into the waters...

Oh, and this was just after she had helped her Queen fend of the obnoxious Norion..her cousin Jinzy had warned this one of Norion...still the slimy wizard caused Fishercat many ouchy death moments, thank you for filled soul gems! This one learned to just run away during the fight, run like a sun dappled cheetah, she did! Hit then run, run, run! The Queen was most grateful for the help, but this one knows she did little to help...

So some quiet fishing was in order. The smell of the ocean lured these claws to the sand, but this chanting fellow was not on the a nice stroll down the beach was the next step. As mentioned before, Auridon's ocean lacks many fish and fishing spots. Very sad.

Looking for quiet fishing and what does this poor cat run into is damned Maormer. Not again.
And a captain who needed her crew rescued. And a lighthouse that needed to be torched. Sigh. This one does not like to say, but she does cheat a bit, and waits for those strong Nords to come through, often with friends, and kill off the camping pirates so she could steal into the lighthouse and set it on fire.

Sometimes this one can be a bad, selfish cat, but it does keep her alive.

So this one teleported to the shrine and tried to head to the beach again, this time to head away from the lighthouse. And wouldn't you know her claws landed the same place she had started out before, with the chanting warlock...

Alas, this one called it a day..

PS Tanzwiel, or whatever they called it, has lots of butterflies to catch for bait...

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Home Away

Hello, My Friends! Have we been fishing?

This one found such a beautiful little lake, has a magic stone in the middle with The Lady magic in it. Perhaps we shall call this Lady Lake. Sort of a pond, really, but there are some nice fish. This one even read up on her fishing to be sure she was using the right bait. Lake fishing calls for guts or minnows as bait, but this kitty does cheat and catches pretty butterflies for parts...they do seem to catch some fish..

I decided today to buy a house, and bought the Moonmirth house in Kenarthi's Roost. This poor cat has few possessions, so she left her two starfish (caught fishing) and her seashell there as floor decorations. To guard she posted her black Senche, her younger senche, and  that sneaky housecat Bruce. Not much to guard but such a sight will keep out the moon sugar vagrants, no?

Bruce will let this one know what goes on, sometimes the senche sneak off to steal moon sugar, get sugar bellies and get lazy. 

The striped senches Radusha and Sayya-daro are also on watch, the house should be safe while this one is off fishing. (The merchant next door, Shalubar, was too busy to be bothered. Too bad, this one would have offered a nice coin.)

Irtroductions are in order, as this one has brought a companion along, the Ratter Little Fish. She likes to eat up the used bait and mud crab legs.

Nothing like some magic infusing you, some fishing, and listening to a conversation of a magpie (maybe that was the matze talking)..

Oh and by the by, this one got her claws singed putting out fires and saving the town of Silsalien..these High Elves can not seem to claw their way out of a paper sack...

Ah but Raz was there, popping in to clean up the mess..always a pleasure for this one, even though she is dressed up like a walking tin can..

Fish on my fellow walkers and may the two moons  help you find the right bait!