Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Fishercat Haiku

 As night settles in, this one just wants to relax and read a couple of lore books. This sleepy kitty did find a pen and some paper and threw together some simple poems. (This one is no poet, but likes half assed haiku..)


                         The river runs along
                            Kitty wants to fish
                          Alas! No bait!

                        Headed to Ocean
                          Fishys jumping
                        Oh no! Maormer

                       Work to pay bills
                         Warlock in dungeon
                        An electrified death

                        Dark sky anchor lands
                          Many heroes attack
                        Anchor Begone!


                        Auridon reeks beauty
                          Pretty flowers hide
                        High Elf problems

"Please pretty kitty, stop. Stop it now...go back to fishing.."

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Raz Assist

Hello My Friends! A warm Khajiiti welcome to you. 

If you have come here for fishing advice, all I can say is get that pole out and fish! Remember, worms and chub for ocean fishing, guts and minnows for lake/pond fishing, insect parts and shad for river fishing, and crawlers and roe for foul waters..This one has added another trophy fish to her Auridon collection..caught from a bridge over a small pond. This one is not always happy about getting her claws wet, so bridge fishing was the plan for the day.

bridge fishing
always cheer on other fisherpeople..

 Anyway, this one does not have a lot of fishing news, as she was distracted by Raz..and his smooth talk. Purrs like a kitten, that one does, and had these claws more than happy to help him do some Queen's dirty work..spying, killing, getting captured..Two Moons save this poor kitty's hide!

 All because of a pretty face and a fast tongue. Queen's Eyes my tail! That one does send us nooby booby kittens in to do the claw work, and does take the credit..oh well, he is a handsome cat, no? This one's eyes did not mind to watch him work, rrrrrawr.

Although, this one needs to question some about his bawdy adventures..riding naked through an Argonian temple? Stars and Moons! Whatever was that one drinking?

Until next time, my friends, leave some fish for one poor, humble Khajiit with no soul..

Monday, July 3, 2017

Magic and Madness

Now see? This one promises more content, this one produces more content...just not more fish.. *sigh*

So, on wakening at the beach, there were many fish active, so nice. But alas! This one had no worms or chub for good ocean fishing. Did catch some dhufish and longfish on plain ol insect parts..while fishing, this poor Khajiit checked her journal. Since she was near enough , she decided to help out the magee's in the Mage's Guild find some books. It will be cool, just four little books.

Never mess with the mage's of the world. They are a sneaky lot, full of fancy whizzys and spell purple whirlies.. 

First of all, that dungeon was full of zombie blood thrall crazies. You know, and this kitty knows, those sweet talking mages knew that. Lots of sneaking about for those sneaky wizards. And that last book, poof, some wizardy fellow appears and says you pass the test or some sort of spellcasting nonsense. 

Lots of rats for guts and a few spiders, too
Such a waste of books!

Back at the guild, they ooed and ahhed over those books and had this kitty throw them in magic fire..my claws! By the Two Moons, half of them are mad..

They summon this fancy pants old age wizard who wants me to get his island back, even though he is dead, or a thousand years old...and to do that I need to go visit a Mad God. 

Can I just go fishing now? Or let me go fillet what I have and cook some of this up. With some good strong ale..the stronger the better...Are you sure this isn't an Undaunted quest??

As a good little kitty, Fishercat does what the mages want..it will be fun, they said. Be careful of the Mad God's words, they said. Well, this one is writing about this so she did survive, no? 

Well she made it to the books, lots of sneaking around minions (they aren't all that smart..) and fighting "Puppy"..and no, the Mad God decides to bargain, and only let out one book. Haskil at the entrance  did mention it wasn't a lending library...

So, this Khajiit did strike some sort of bargain for the one book, and listened to the exchange between Shalinor and Sheogorath..

 Maybe this kitty should bargain..the Mad God has this beautiful pool that is devoid of fish..perhaps...
Sheogorath's pool
this one can bargain for some fishing time...?

Suffice to say, the mages were all sad that they only got one book and Shalinor still has no island..
and this kitty needs more fishing time

Thursday, June 29, 2017


Hello, my friends.

This one apologizes profusely for a lack of content. If this poor Khajiit was a Developer Lord, she would be thrown to the dungeons of Cyrodil and chewed to the bones by the rabid Gamefan rats...
So sorry.

Wizards ruin fishing..
This adventurous fisher cat started out looking to do some simple ocean fishing off the coast of Auridon...so here the first thing her kitty eyes see is this fellow, and his fancy aura...no not today, this one is looking for a good fishing spot and she wishes not to catch sharks with her blood running into the waters...

Oh, and this was just after she had helped her Queen fend of the obnoxious Norion..her cousin Jinzy had warned this one of Norion...still the slimy wizard caused Fishercat many ouchy death moments, thank you for filled soul gems! This one learned to just run away during the fight, run like a sun dappled cheetah, she did! Hit then run, run, run! The Queen was most grateful for the help, but this one knows she did little to help...

So some quiet fishing was in order. The smell of the ocean lured these claws to the sand, but this chanting fellow was not on the menu..so a nice stroll down the beach was the next step. As mentioned before, Auridon's ocean lacks many fish and fishing spots. Very sad.

Looking for quiet fishing and what does this poor cat run into is damned Maormer. Not again.
And a captain who needed her crew rescued. And a lighthouse that needed to be torched. Sigh. This one does not like to say, but she does cheat a bit, and waits for those strong Nords to come through, often with friends, and kill off the camping pirates so she could steal into the lighthouse and set it on fire.

Sometimes this one can be a bad, selfish cat, but it does keep her alive.

So this one teleported to the shrine and tried to head to the beach again, this time to head away from the lighthouse. And wouldn't you know her claws landed the same place she had started out before, with the chanting warlock...

Alas, this one called it a day..

PS Tanzwiel, or whatever they called it, has lots of butterflies to catch for bait...

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Home Away

Hello, My Friends! Have we been fishing?

This one found such a beautiful little lake, has a magic stone in the middle with The Lady magic in it. Perhaps we shall call this Lady Lake. Sort of a pond, really, but there are some nice fish. This one even read up on her fishing to be sure she was using the right bait. Lake fishing calls for guts or minnows as bait, but this kitty does cheat and catches pretty butterflies for parts...they do seem to catch some fish..

I decided today to buy a house, and bought the Moonmirth house in Kenarthi's Roost. This poor cat has few possessions, so she left her two starfish (caught fishing) and her seashell there as floor decorations. To guard she posted her black Senche, her younger senche, and  that sneaky housecat Bruce. Not much to guard but such a sight will keep out the moon sugar vagrants, no?

Bruce will let this one know what goes on, sometimes the senche sneak off to steal moon sugar, get sugar bellies and get lazy. 

The striped senches Radusha and Sayya-daro are also on watch, the house should be safe while this one is off fishing. (The merchant next door, Shalubar, was too busy to be bothered. Too bad, this one would have offered a nice coin.)

Irtroductions are in order, as this one has brought a companion along, the Ratter Little Fish. She likes to eat up the used bait and mud crab legs.

Nothing like some magic infusing you, some fishing, and listening to a conversation of a magpie (maybe that was the matze talking)..

Oh and by the by, this one got her claws singed putting out fires and saving the town of Silsalien..these High Elves can not seem to claw their way out of a paper sack...

Ah but Raz was there, popping in to clean up the mess..always a pleasure for this one, even though she is dressed up like a walking tin can..

Fish on my fellow walkers and may the two moons  help you find the right bait!

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Wandering Among the Elves

Hello, my Friends!

This humble Khajiit must apologize for not writing sooner, but she was awaiting letters from a cousin who was skipping about fishing in Vvardenfall, of all places..this one shall discuss that place at some other time.

Oh, these High Elves! So snippy, like their whiskers are shinier than all others. They have so many troubles, including an anchor from Mister Molag right outside their little city of Vulkhel Guard. Plus a Thieves Den. That and a whole kettle of bad called the "Veiled Heritance" or some such.  And then there's the Prophet, who turns out to be the Emperor, but not really as he has no dragon blood..Oh my paws, so much running about, to and fro, do this, do that..

And did this poor humble cat get to fish? Well Coldharbour offered up no fish, but this one snuck off and fished a pond near Monkey's Rest, which is where monkeys rest and nest..(and bananas can be had) in Auridon, outside of Vulkhel Guard. And oh so many pretty fish! Shad, and betty, and salmon..This noble cat did run over to help break an anchor, but after that, she left the work to others.

Anchor, schmancor, we must fish!

And the rivers! They are full of wonderful fish! These High Elves have so many problems, and no one bothers to fish. And the reward for fishing in the midst of all this elvish turmoil? This one reeled in a Blackspotted Pike, and a this one was for the record books! (This ones' record book, at least)
This one can only hope for better fishing gear, this heavy metal makes this cat sound like a trash pack full of empties..Maybe Men'do can help, this one wishes, (rrawrr..)

Til next time, keep you claws sharp.

This one looks dorky, no?

Two Moons, and a much better hat. Cooler, yes?

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Working For The Boss

Ah, my friends! Fishercat Whisperclaw here once again. This one has finally found a moment to write in her journal.  The adventures this one has had! By Jone and Jode!

Let us start with our trip to Auridon and Vulkhel Guard. Who summons this one as soon as she hits the docks? The Prophet, that's who. No fishing for this poor Khajiit, time for work. But when she enters the Harborage, what does this one find? That the Prophet is a fisher, too!  
yum yum fish for dinner!

So we talked for many sections of time, when the Prophet says, very casually: "By the way..about Molag Bal.." And this one galloped off into adventure..some history, learning about the Five Companions, the Amulet of Kings, and so on and so forth. Then it was a rescue of Lyris, "Stilts" as this one likes to call her. This one had read that there are fish in Coldharbour, but they are definately not in the Forge...   

no fish here!
talking fish and other stuff

Not a pretty guy, but kinda vain..
Afterwards, this simple Khajiit wanted just to catch some fish, but even though Auridon is a pretty place, there were no fish biting that day. This one did swim in the ocean to wash off the stink of Coldharbour, and found a place to fish off the harbor wall, with a couple of other fishercats. This one was nearly out of bait though, and caught a simple longfin and a solitary dhufish. But relax she did.

Seems as though there are some shifty doings and goings on in Vulkhel Guard that this one has to check on. The Queen is visiting, so this one is sure there are all sorts of characters hanging about. The Prophet mentioned talking to some fisher folk to start with, so that is where this one will go, and maybe some pointers on fishing about Auridon can be gleaned. 

Ah, and  the Prophet mentioned that Mannimarco and his Worm Cult are masters of the undead, and the undead are a source of worms, and by the Two Moons, maybe legendary fish!


Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Whispers and tips

Hello, my fine friends! 
This is Fishercat Whisperclaw, once again from Kenarthi's Roost. After some big mix up with the sly Maomar, who were doing odd things like draining people's souls and summoning big snakes, this one spent some time and coin in the fine town of Mistral. Sad thing, that murder of the Silvanar over the treaty, but it all smoothed over now.  Mistral has some fine traders and shops, and this one could buy some crawlers from guild traders and some plain bait from a shop keeper.   This one was scheduled to get a ride on the Prowler to head to Auridon, but it was too nice of weather to fish, no?

Then this one heard whispers. Rumors. Tales to make this Khajiit drool over her whiskers. A fish, A legendary fish. Oh my! The Pyaondean Ray of Kenarthi's Roost. Larger than a great bird, give you a fight to the death. It eats other fishys, and even little Khajiit! So this one started to make the rounds of the docks, fishing and talking, wanting to hear more of this great fish. 

 "A great ray,yes!" But you need to find worms to catch it with!"

"And where does one get the worms? Not crawlers?"

"No worms, big fat juicy worms. Or maybe chub. But not crawlers. Crawlers will catch you some longfins or dhufish. But not the great ray."

"Pull up some plants, many plants. Or find some undead over in Auridon. Worms love the undead."

This boatbuilder offered some advice. Something about being old and grey in the muzzle before even seeing a ray. Or maybe it was that seeing the ray will make you old and grey in the muzzle. This one could not hear her words over her cursing the sea elves and storms and muttering over the coin for boat repairs...

So with some great reluctance, this one did board the skiff for Auridon. But just to find more bait, so as to come back to the Roost and start fishing for the Pyaondean Ray!

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Adventures and Mis-adventures

 Hello, my friends from Kenarthi's Roost! It is I, Fishercat Whisperclaw, mixing fishing with adventure, if one can call it that. Here I sit in a small fishing camp of Anat and Elanabi, simple Khajiit, or who appear to be so. They were saving a drowned elf, and seem to this one, good cats. But this one does wonder what is under their claws, for there was an odd "thieves trove" behind their tent..but I came to fish and looked away from such, enjoying their stool to sit, and their fire to cook, though it appears that this one needs to learn how to cook! But as this Fishercat sat, some thungs came along and beat up poor Elenabi. This one thinks they were pirates..
Poor hungry mudcrab..
 Farther down the coast, this one found Bolga's hunting camp, where she met in fierce battle Old Tooth, a large crocodilian beast. Afterwards, this one fished. There were two juicy spots by the camp and this smart khajiit fished both of them out. The hook caught many lovely fish, mostly trodh, some dhufish, and a couple of slaughterfish. Bait that was used: guts, insect parts and a minnow or two. The fish were hungry and bit at all the bait. A bag full of fish is gold in the paw...                                                                                                                          
Travels about to collect bait brought this one to bump into Spinner Benieth, a comely wood elf who was very concerned about this Great Tree that was full of lore and miasma. This one, being a good, simple Khajiit found and solved the problem for her and for the Kwama keeper who has lost all his kwama. Elves and their wordly problems...which would be solved if they just went fishing..

Sylvannas Windrunner..leader of the Horde, was good enough to help kill giant snakes and purify the Great Tree..the Khajiit could use one such as this! This one cares only if she knows how to fish...

After weathering a fierce thunderstorm, reading about senche tigers, killing rats with thunderbugs,helping a poor family mixed up in skooma trade avoid the high elf law, this one got back to fishing, important things. Oh and that whole mis adventure in Hazak's Hollow! Two Moons, this one was flamboozled!

Fishing near the coast brought in Longfish, some dhufish, and minnows. Next, this one meets with the smooth talking Raz, and searches up the merchants in Mistral. A house was inspected , but this one is unsure as it sits by a mooin sugar plantation and not on the water. A pretty sea star house decoration was fished up, this one will save it for the future. Jone and Jode keep you all safe, a best luck with the fish!


Sunday, March 12, 2017


Greetings, Friend.                                    This one is a simple Khajiit, who loves to fish, and hopes to fish across the world, and maybe make a little gold along the way. This one is known as Fishercat of the Whisperclaw Clan. My sister claws are Jinzy-Ro , Jinzy-Ra, and Jindy-Fats. But they are of no matter.  This one is writing this journal of her travels, and hopes to entertain.

This is fishing off the Shattered Shoals in Khenarthi's Roost. I had not long finished my escape from the nasty Molag Bal in Coldharbour, met the very suave Razum-Dur, and accomplished a few minor tasks for the locals. This proved to be a wonderful spot to fish, with cover and shade for the  prey. This one caught a slaugherfish, and a few trodhs here.`The  bait used that worked the best on this spot was insect parts. The book says it should be crawlers and chub, as this water was fouled by the shipwrecks along the shore. No matter, a fish is a fish, and they can be traded for gold.

Shattered Shoals
...And here shows this one fishing near to the Sea Viper camp where a longfish or two was caught along with a tiny minnow, again using insect parts.

The rest of the day was spent gathering bait. (Yes, this one still wears the trousers and shackles from Coldharbour, maybe in Mistral this simple Khajiit will trade her fish for some pleasant clothes.)

That means catching many butterfles, killing rats, beetles, liitle guars. Not always fun, but this one did help end a Sea Viper ritual, repair a privateer boat, and sealing up an old, hissy spirit into a tomb.

Some tips: do not attack a mudcrab unless there is only one, most of the time they are in groups of two or three. They pinch hard.  Chasing butterflies , make sure you watch where you are going, This one scared up a few harpies by mistake

Oh, another thing, this one walks many places, as the rats and beetles are very small and can be missed by running about like a Breton without his head.

Much to learn. May the Two Moons guide you.