Thursday, October 11, 2018


      Hello Friends! 

      This humble cat keeps a journal (obviously), that is often full of ramblings, ravings, and, of course, notes.

      Now this one has a fairly empty chart of which fish she has caught. No math or percentages here, this poor kitty gets distracted by so much.

Like this:

OOOO Pretty!
Well, this one is attempting to fish, and has collected some of Auridon's species. Today we added a barbel to the list. This one was so very excited! 

BUT...there is always some bad elfy types that simply must ruin the perfect fishing day.

Like this guy....Heritance baddie.

Oops, a dead Heritance baddie...he should not have bothered my fishing.

Now back to fishing....

Perfect spot..This one knows these things...

Until the next time, Two moons guide your fishing!

Friday, October 5, 2018

Just want to fish..

This one was just about to go fishing when...

           ...she tripped and accidentally shot an innocent, (albeit weird) citizen of  Vulkhel. 

 This one then found her counterfeit writ and absolved herself of all crimes...whew!

Then, before fishing, this one had to fence her stolen goods.(yes, what cat would not loot a body?) and visit with this handsome fellow...

 This one is not a very good thief, but on occasion, she does the trick. Then, before fishing, this one cooked up some rice n radish..yum yum, not.

The fire was toasty, and it felt good on this kitty's little paws.

Now, this cat did get a smidgeon of fishing when she left her house, on Kenarthi's roost (foul water fishing) and did snag a wet gunny sack, which she has yet to open. Why? Well, this one ran across some wizardy types who asked for help in their smug, hoity-toity way...

See, he's got that thingy over his head, means he's important...
Sooo, before this one could go fishing, she had to dispel some spirits, and solve a puzzle to dispel the rest...

And then, before fishing, she had to help save more magey, wizardy elfs, and kill off one who "wanted more power"...don't they always? Maybe they should try fishing to relax...

why are there always two...?
This sneaky cat just waited as another hero came waltzing through and took out one of the baddies, easy peasy...

Then, when this one thought she was done..and headed for a way shrine, there was another poor wounded marine elf who was whimpering about his this one felt bad for his lost kitten, so she volunteered to help..

This one needs to learn to keep her mouth shut...

Ok, sneaking about this cat burned up some arcane crates for a scaly wizardess, and found the lost girl, then had to find her brother...

                      Pretty snazzy disguise, no?

Disguising, sneaking, thievery with a brother who really is kind of a traitor, but was a washy guar poop in the end...This one convinced the father to save his life, hopefully it was the right choice. 

Now it was time to stop and relax, enough heroing and derring-do, this one died just it was time to GO FISHING...and guess what?

It was too dark to fish. Good Night, Friends, and Two Moons guide you.

Look, Little Fishy's eyes glow in the dark!